Mismatched cousins reunite for a trip through Poland to honor their beloved grandmother. The adventure takes a turn when the odd couple’s old tensions resurface against the backdrop of their family history, where their real-life ancestors settled in the diaspora. Benji Kaplan: The conductor is going to come, get the tickets, and we tell him we’re going to the bathroom. David Kaplan: Bathroom Vandals.
David Kaplan: Excuse me, are we rascals? When he came forward, the train was coming to the station. We are home free. David Kaplan: This is so stupid.
Tickets are often like twelve rupees. Benji Kaplan: That’s the principle of the thing. We don’t have to pay for train tickets in Poland. David Kaplan: No, it’s not, it’s our country.
They kicked us out ’cause they thought we were cheap.. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew it wasn’t it…it was more, uncomfortable and a little giggled and eventually a pain developed towards the end. Eisenberg and I went to see it mainly because I liked his performances in other films. One thing is for sure: it does not disappoint.
I encourage everyone who is even slightly interested to watch it and form their own opinion about it. It’s only 90 minutes, but you’ll probably end up with some questions to think about.