It follows Catherine Ravenscroft, a television documentary journalist whose work is built on uncovering the transgressions of long-respected institutions. Gary Oldman was originally rumored to be cast, but was replaced by Kevin Kline. In multiple episodes, Jonathon uses the same lens throughout the year.
Such a lens would not be able to focus on close-up subjects, such as selfies with Sasha or in the bedroom with Catherine.. I have to admit, I’m enjoying this. I’ll wait and see how it goes.
Check it out, it’s pretty convincing. Cate Blanchett is kind of boring. I feel like Kevin Kline is a bit of a misnomer.
The actress who plays the younger version of Cate is STUNNING and beautiful – I don’t remember Cate ever being so hot. I didn’t recognize Ali G to begin with – big shout out to Sasha BC. Will he get back into this – I’ll wait and watch.
But then again, Cat is the star!